Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Every day brings something new and wonderful.

Today I walked into a protest being broken up by the police, and was full of wonder: why, after so many years of dictatorial subjugation and human rights violations, does the chilean government continue to take great pains to repress its people?

The protest was carried out by high school teachers. I don't know the politics behind it, but it sounded like they want more money for what they do. In a few words, Chile's public school system makes New York City's public school system look like Manhattan's private school system. It's sewage. These teachers gather, blow whistles and chant. The police knock them to the ground with high pressure blasts and puff them up with tear gas once they're down.

It was mayhem, and all taking place in the busiest part of town at midday. I saw an old man, 75 or older, gasping for air on his knees. I saw a woman lose track of her infant son because she was so blinded with chemicals. Ugly and sad.

And yet, I couldn't pull myself away from it. The people fight. When the cops had successfully cleared out one area, the people had already gathered in another. I kept running from spot to spot, eager to see action, blinded and coughing the whole time. I could hear the chanting continue for blocks as I walked back home.

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